Mudéjar Style
Mudéjar architecture, the design elements used in the Iberian Peninsula by Muslim craftsmen living under Christian rule and working for Christian and also for Jewish patrons, shares considerable formal features with the architecture of the Muslim West. It is primarily an architecture where brick is used for both structural and decorative purposes. It incorporates features such as the horseshoe arch, Arabic inscriptions, as well as muqarnas and interlaced decorative patterns, all combined with European Romanesque, Gothic, and Renaissance elements.
Santiago del Arrabal
Church of Santiago del Arrabal: Contructed in the early 13th century, the stucture brings together Romanesque, Gothic and Muslim features. The Church features Romanesque and Gothic design elements: a nave, side aisles, a transept, semi-circular apses, and a ribbed cross-vault. The structure also incorporates various Muslim design elements including horseshoe arches and interlaced decorative patterns.