Situated on a granite promontory surrounded on three sides by the deep gorge of the river Tajo, Toledo is one of the oldest cities in Spain. Its gates and battlements attest to its status as the former imperial capital of Spain. With legacies from three major religions — Islam, Judaism, and Christianity — the city houses extraordinary monuments and works of art representative of the various stages of Spain’s cultural history.
According to ancient historians, Toledo was the capital of the Carpetani, one of the Celtic peoples of the Iberian Peninsula. The Romans occupied the city in 182, BCE, and established a military and political presence in that area. Toledo became an important urban and cultural center in Roman Hispania. In the 5th century, CE, the city was conquered by the Visigoths, one of the Germanic tribes that have settled in the Peninsular. In 569, Leovigildo, the King of the Visigoths, moved his court to Toledo and transformed the city into the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom. In 711, the city fell to the Muslim invaders and remained under Muslim control for 374 years. The city retained its political and cultural importance under Arab occupation.
In 1085, Alfonso VI, the King of Castilla, recaptured the city and established a Christian presence and an atmosphere of religious tolerance toward the Jewish and Muslim populations that remained in the city. Toledo also became the official residence to the Spanish Kings and Queens until the 16th Century. In 1226, Fernando III and the Archbishop Rodrigo Ximénez de Rada ordered the construction of the Cathedral. The late 15th century saw a transformation of the city. With expulsion of the Jews in 1492, these changes deeply affected the social fabric of Toledo. By the mid-16th century, the city had lost its imperial status.Toledo's buildings and winding streets still hold hundreds of years of history.
To view images of Toledo, click here.

Spanish 450
This course will focus on Toledo as a site of cultural negotiations among Christian, Muslims, and Jews in the Iberian peninsula during the Middle Ages. these cultures. The course will consider products of this interaction, from works of art and literature to legal documents and urban structures in order to understand richness and complexity of the coexistence of these cultures and their impact on cultural production in medieval Iberia.